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LeetCode | Difficulty |
22. Generate Parentheses | 🟠 |
括号问题可以简单分成两类,一类是前文写过的 括号的合法性判断 ,一类是合法括号的生成。对于括号合法性的判断,主要是借助「栈」这种数据结构,而对于括号的生成,一般都要利用 回溯算法 进行暴力穷举。
回到正题,看下力扣第 22 题「括号生成」,要求如下:
请你写一个算法,输入是一个正整数 n
,输出是 n
List<String> generateParenthesis(int n);
vector<string> generateParenthesis(int n);
def generateParenthesis(n: int) -> List[str]:
func generateParenthesis(n int) []string
var generateParenthesis = function(n) {};
比如说,输入 n=3
,输出为如下 5 个字符串:
2、对于一个「合法」的括号字符串组合 p
,必然对于任何 0 <= i < len(p)
都有:子串 p[0..i]
反之,比如这个括号组合 ))((
算法输入一个整数 n
,让你计算 n
现在有 2n
个位置,每个位置可以放置字符 (
或者 )
这个命题和题目的意思完全是一样的对吧,那么我们先想想如何得到全部 2^(2n)
如何得到所有的组合呢?这就是标准的暴力穷举回溯框架啊,我们前文 回溯算法套路框架详解 都总结过了:
result = []
def backtrack(路径, 选择列表):
if 满足结束条件:
for 选择 in 选择列表:
backtrack(路径, 选择列表)
LinkedList<String> track;
void backtrack(int n, int i) {
// i represents the current position, there are a total of 2n positions
// having exhausted all positions, we get a combination of length 2n
if (i == 2 * n) {
// for each position, there are two choices: left parenthesis or right parenthesis
for choice in ["(", ")"] {
// make a choice
// enumerate the next position
backtrack(n, i + 1);
// undo the choice
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
std::vector<std::string> track;
void print(const std::vector<std::string>& v) {
for (const std::string& s : v) {
std::cout << s;
std::cout << std::endl;
void backtrack(int n, int i) {
// i represents the current position, there are a total of 2n positions
// have exhausted all positions to the end, obtained a combination of length 2n
if (i == 2 * n) {
// for each position, there are two choices: left parenthesis or right parenthesis
for (std::string choice : {"(", ")"}) {
// make a choice
// enumerate the next position
backtrack(n, i + 1);
// undo the choice
track = []
def backtrack(n, i):
# i represents the current position, with a total of 2n positions
# having exhausted all positions, we get a combination of length 2n
if i == 2 * n:
# for each position, there are two choices: left parenthesis or right parenthesis
for choice in ["(", ")"]:
# make a choice
# exhaustive the next position
backtrack(n, i + 1)
# undo the choice
import (
var track []string
func backtrack(n int, i int) {
// i represents the current position, there are a total of 2n positions
// exhausted all positions to the end, obtained a combination of length 2n
if i == 2*n {
fmt.Println(strings.Join(track, ""))
// for each position, there are two choices: left parenthesis or right parenthesis
for _, choice := range []string{"(", ")"} {
// make a choice
track = append(track, choice)
// enumerate the next position
backtrack(n, i+1)
// undo the choice
track = track[:len(track)-1]
var track = new Array();
var backtrack = function(n, i) {
// i represents the current position, with a total of 2n positions
// the enumeration has reached the last position, obtaining a combination of length 2n
if (i == 2 * n) {
// for each position, there are two choices: left parenthesis or right parenthesis
for (var choice of ["(", ")"]) {
// make a choice
// enumerate the next position
backtrack(n, i + 1);
// undo the choice
Now that we can print all bracket combinations, how do we filter out the valid ones? It's simple; just add a few conditions to "prune" the invalid combinations.
For 2n
positions, there must be n
left brackets and n
right brackets. Instead of simply recording the exhaustive position i
, we use left
to keep track of how many left brackets we can still use, and right
to keep track of how many right brackets we can still use. This way, we can filter based on the rules for valid brackets we just summarized:
class Solution {
// the path during backtracking
StringBuilder track = new StringBuilder();
// record all valid parenthesis combinations
List<String> res = new ArrayList<>();
public List<String> generateParenthesis(int n) {
if (n == 0) return res;
// initialize the number of available left and right parentheses to n
backtrack(n, n);
return res;
// the number of available left parentheses is left, and the number of available right parentheses is right
private void backtrack(int left, int right) {
// if there are more left parentheses left, it is not valid
if (right < left) return;
// a count less than 0 is definitely not valid
if (left < 0 || right < 0) return;
// when all parentheses are used up, a valid parenthesis combination is obtained
if (left == 0 && right == 0) {
// make a choice, try to put a left parenthesis
backtrack(left - 1, right);
// cancel the choice
track.deleteCharAt(track.length() - 1);
// make a choice, try to put a right parenthesis
backtrack(left, right - 1);
// cancel the choice
track.deleteCharAt(track.length() - 1);
class Solution {
// the path during backtracking
string track = "";
// record all valid parenthesis combinations
vector<string> res;
vector<string> generateParenthesis(int n) {
if (n == 0) return res;
// initialize the number of available left and right parentheses to n
backtrack(n, n);
return res;
// the number of available left parentheses is left, and the right is right
void backtrack(int left, int right) {
// if there are more left parentheses left, it's not valid
if (right < left) return;
// a count less than 0 is definitely not valid
if (left < 0 || right < 0) return;
// when all parentheses are used up, a valid parenthesis combination is obtained
if (left == 0 && right == 0) {
// make a choice, try to put a left parenthesis
backtrack(left - 1, right);
// undo the choice
// make a choice, try to put a right parenthesis
backtrack(left, right - 1);
// undo the choice
class Solution:
def __init__(self):
# the path during backtracking
self.track = ''
# record all valid parenthesis combinations
self.res = []
def generateParenthesis(self, n: int) -> List[str]:
if n == 0: return self.res
# initialize the number of available left and right parentheses to n
self.backtrack(n, n)
return self.res
# the number of available left parentheses is left, and the right is right
def backtrack(self, left: int, right: int) -> None:
# if there are more left parentheses left, it is not valid
if right < left: return
# a count less than 0 is definitely not valid
if left < 0 or right < 0: return
# when all parentheses are used up, a valid parenthesis combination is obtained
if left == 0 and right == 0:
# make a choice, try to put a left parenthesis
self.track += '('
self.backtrack(left - 1, right)
# cancel the choice
self.track = self.track[:-1]
# make a choice, try to put a right parenthesis
self.track += ')'
self.backtrack(left, right - 1)
# cancel the choice
self.track = self.track[:-1]
func generateParenthesis(n int) []string {
var track string
var res []string
var backtrack func(left, right int)
backtrack = func(left, right int) {
// if there are more left parentheses left, it's illegal
if right < left {
// if the count is less than 0, it's definitely illegal
if left < 0 || right < 0 {
// when all parentheses are used up, we get a valid parenthesis combination
if left == 0 && right == 0 {
res = append(res, track)
// make a choice, try to put a left parenthesis
track += "("
backtrack(left-1, right)
// undo the choice
track = track[:len(track)-1]
// make a choice, try to put a right parenthesis
track += ")"
backtrack(left, right-1)
// undo the choice
track = track[:len(track)-1]
backtrack(n, n)
return res
var generateParenthesis = function(n) {
let track = '';
let res = [];
const backtrack = (left, right) => {
// if the remaining left parentheses are more, it is illegal
if (right < left) return;
// if the count is less than 0, it is definitely illegal
if (left < 0 || right < 0) return;
// when all parentheses are used up exactly, a legal combination of parentheses is obtained
if (left === 0 && right === 0) {
// make a choice, try to put a left parenthesis
track += '(';
backtrack(left - 1, right);
// cancel the choice
track = track.slice(0, -1);
// make a choice, try to put a right parenthesis
track += ')';
backtrack(left, right - 1);
// cancel the choice
track = track.slice(0, -1);
backtrack(n, n);
return res;
With this, our algorithm is complete. What is the complexity of the algorithm? This is a bit tricky to analyze. For recursive algorithms, the time complexity is calculated as (number of recursive calls) * (time complexity of the recursive function itself).
is our recursive function, which contains no for loop code, so the time complexity of the recursive function itself is O(1). The key question is, how many times is this function called recursively? In other words, given an n
, how many times is the backtrack
function recursively invoked?
How did we analyze the number of recursive calls for dynamic programming algorithms before? It mainly depends on the number of "states," right? Actually, the essence of both backtracking and dynamic programming is exhaustive search, but dynamic programming can optimize "overlapping subproblems," while backtracking cannot.
So, we can also use the concept of "states" here. For the backtrack
function, there are three states: left, right, track
. The number of all possible combinations of these three variables is the number of states (call times) of the backtrack
The combination of left
and right
is straightforward; their values range from 0 to n, so there are only n^2
combinations. The length of track
ranges from 0 to 2n, but for each length, there are exponentially many bracket combinations, which are hard to calculate.
After all this explanation, the point is to let you know that the complexity of this algorithm is exponential and not easy to calculate precisely. It is 4^n / sqrt(n)
. Interested readers can search for information about "Catalan numbers" to understand how this complexity is derived.