2024 新版网站会员
English content is still in alpha version, I'm improving the translation quality continuously.
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After purchasing a membership, the exclusive solution ideas in the plugin require manual data fetching to unlock. Below are the methods to unlock for Chrome, vscode, and JetBrains plugins. Please choose according to your usage.
Unlocking the Chrome Plugin
Step 1: Install and Launch the Plugin
Follow the instructions in the Chrome Plugin Installation Guide to install the plugin, ensuring basic functionality.
Step 2: Open the Plugin Popup
Click the "LeetCode helper" plugin icon in the top-right corner of your browser:
Clicking the plugin icon will display the plugin popup, showing the data fetching status. Without a membership, the "Website Member" section will display an X ❌.
Step 3: Fetch Member Data
After logging in and purchasing a membership, click the "Manual Data Refresh" button in the plugin popup and wait a few seconds. The website member data should refresh successfully, changing from an X ❌ to a checkmark ✅:
Unlocking the vscode Extension
Step 1: Install and Launch the Extension
Follow the instructions in the vscode Extension Installation Guide to install the extension and log in with your 力扣/LeetCode account. Make sure the basic usage of the extension is functioning properly.
Note: After installing the extension, a LeetCode icon will appear in the left sidebar. You need to click this icon to allow the extension to load before proceeding with the following steps. Otherwise, you may encounter command execution failures.
Step 2: Obtain the Site Cookie
We need the site's cookie to help the vscode extension fetch exclusive course solutions. Ensure you have purchased the course and are logged into the website.
Visit labuladong.online and open your browser's developer tools (Chrome shortcut F12
). Switch to the network
tab, refresh the page, find the cookie in the network requests, and right-click to copy it:
Step 3: Enter the Cookie in vscode
Go to the vscode settings page, search for sitecookie
, and paste the copied cookie string into the input box:
Step 4: Fetch Member Data
Press F1
in vscode to open the command palette. Type labuladong
, and you should see an option for “Manually Refresh labuladong Data”:
Click or press Enter to execute the refresh. After a few seconds, a pop-up should appear indicating “Exclusive Course Solutions Fetched Successfully”:
Now, you can directly view the thought process and solutions for exclusive course problems within vscode.
Unlock JetBrains Plugin
Step 1: Install and Launch the Plugin
Follow the instructions in the JetBrains Plugin Installation Guide to install the plugin and log in with your 力扣/LeetCode account. Ensure that the basic functionality of the plugin is working properly.
Step 2: Obtain Site Cookie
This step is similar to the step 2 of unlocking the vscode plugin mentioned earlier. Please refer to the previous section for details.
Step 3: Enter Cookie and Fetch Course Data
After copying the cookie from your browser, follow the steps shown in the image below:
1️⃣ Click the settings icon to enter the settings page.
2️⃣ Paste the cookie into the input box.
3️⃣ Click the OK button.
4️⃣ Click the labuladong public account icon to manually trigger data fetching.
The plugin will first fetch some public data, and then it will fetch the exclusive member solution data from this site. If the data fetching is slow, you can try changing the "dataSource" option in the settings page and then click the public account icon again to re-fetch the data.
You should see an output similar to the following:
Step 4: Clear IDE File Cache
If the data fetching is successful, you should be able to view all the solution ideas within the plugin. However, due to caching, previously opened questions might still show as unlocked because the IDE's file system cache has not been refreshed.
Please close all open question files first, then manually clear the IDE's cache and restart the IDE. It should work normally after that: